If you are a man, being rich will get you laid more. If you are the guy that rocks up to the party in a £100,000 car, with the Rolex watch and you buy everyone in the bar a drink without thinking too much about it because to you it is no more than buying a round, then you are going to get a bow job at the end of the night from someone if you want it. There are women out there who can’t help but be massively attracted to men with money – because what they really want is a nice easy life. They want a man to be buying them lots of nice things, they want to have loads of stuff without having to work for it, so instead they try to catch a man who has money.
The kind of woman you are going to be having sex with
If the only thing about you is that you are rich, generally the kind of woman that you are going to be having sex with is basically a gold digger. You are going to be sleeping with someone who wants you for your money – in fact they may not really be that interested in you at all, they are just interested in the money. If they could have all the money without you in the mix, they would probably take that option! As long as you know this, then it doesn’t matter. As long as you do not fall for it, that you don’t see it as love or some other bullshit, as long as you recognise this as a hook up, as you paying for nice dinner and she giving you a blow job then you are safe. This is the exchange and there is nothing wrong with it. The danger to you lies if you accidentally delude yourself and think she is with you for you. This is possible, but this is rare. Extremely rare.
If you want a woman that really loves you, that is with you for who you are, that is going to stick with you when things go bad or if you take a financial downturn, then you are going to have a harder time of it if you are rich. It is too easy to get flooded with offers from money grabbing wenches. If you just want a hot woman as a fuck buddy, being rich is a great place to be, it will get your dick very wet a lot of the time. Donald Trump is a massive douche with how he talks about women, but they still want to have sex with him!
So if you want to get rich, get rich for *you*, not to find a woman, You can do that without the wealth.
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