In life they say seek, and you will find. Sure, this works when you are looking for groceries, or a light. Does this really work for sex? In short, yes. Yes it does. If you can accept that, then you can stop reading this now and go get laid. If you need a little more convincing, then read on and I’ll explain this in a little more detail.
We see what we look for
Try an experiment. Have a look around the room. Go on, try it right. Take 30 seconds to look at where you are right now. Done? Now close your eyes and count in your mind the number of red things you can think of. NO CHEATING! Do it now!!! Done? Okay, how many did you get? Now look around the room and count how many red things there are around you. There are a lot more than you thought right? This is because your mind looks for that which we tell it to. Now that you are looking for red things, you notice more of them, but before you were looking for them, you saw hardly any of them. This is the way that it works. Have you ever decided to buy a motorbike, and suddenly all you can see is motorbikes everywhere? The number of bikes on the road have not increased, but now that your brain knows that this is what you are looking for, you are more attuned to be able to find it.
Recognise that you want sex, and you will see ways to get it
The same works for getting laid. If you can recognise that you want to get laid, then you will start to notice people that you can sleep with everywhere that you go. The greater the number of opportunites you can see, the more likely you are to be able to make something happen. Finding a fuck buddy or getting a hook up is a numbers game. You have to be willing to try and hit on a lot more people than you want to sleep with in order to make it work. It’s just the way it is. Maybe people in the movies sleep with everyone that they want to, but that is simply not the way that works in real life.
Embrace it
You have to really embrace it to make it work. Know that you want sex, and you will increase your chances of finding it. Seek sex, and you will find.
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