F-Buddy Blog
How to biohack your way to better sex Part 2
If you are reading this, it is because you are on the fuck buddy website, unless someone has stolen this article and cut and pasted it onto a separate website, in which case shame on you for taking my work! If you are here you probably already have someone that you are having sex with. Given how much sex is a fundamental part of our health and happiness, once you start looking it is easier than you might think to have a hook up or find a friends with benefits relationship. There are as many women who want them as much as men do, so it is just case of finding each other, after that you can...
Can I have a fuck buddy if married?
There are many schools of thought that suggest monogamy is not our natural state. Here in the developed world, we believe that a traditional family unit is made up of two monogamous partners that have sex with each other but no one else, then any children are raised within that family unit. There are other cultures where any children belong solely to the mother, whom the father is makes no difference nor is it tracked. The children are then raised by the tribe, the group as a whole. The men sleep with multiple different partners in the group and the women have power and autonomy separate...
Biohacking for better sex
Once you have found a fuck buddy and you are generally having hook ups on a regular basis, most people turn their focus and energy away from seeking more partners and towards increasing the fun that is to be had with those said partners. Makes sense, once you have the quantity, you want to start making sure that you improve the quality of your time together. When it comes to being better in bed, there is a ton of information out there. Books, videos, advice columns… everyone seems to have an opinion on the subject. There are also a number of approaches that you can take to improving you...
Don't get cockblocked by your cat
It is surprising the number of people that have been cockblocked by their pet. Whether it has been a dog or a bird, these things can happen. They also seem to happen quite a lot with people’s cats believe it or not. You do not want this to happen! It is really easy to prevent, yet many people do not even think to take steps to do so. With that in mind, I would like to talk to you about how to not get cockblocked by your cat. Allow me to start with an example.
Let’s say that you are out of a night. You are in a bar, you see a pretty girl (and you are of the sexual persuasion that you...
What makes a man sexy
As humans, we judge people by very different standards depending on the environment that we meet them. For example, when we meet someone in the work place, we are looking for something that is polite, courteous and helpful. We look for someone that is competent as this is often important as well. Primarily, the “nice guy” will do well in the workplace. When it comes to choosing a fuck buddy, however, the rules are completely different to at work or anywhere else for that matter. What makes someone likeable to someone’s parents is very different to what makes them attractive to a potential...
Top Three Christmas Sex Tips for the Discerning Fuck Buddy
December 2018 is here, and Christmas is finally upon us. We all love Christmas. It is a time filled with food, fun and frolicking around. It is a particularly good time to find a fuck buddy. It is cold outside, so all anyone wants to do is snuggle up with someone to keep warm. It also gets dark much earlier, which means that the “evening” night sessions can start earlier than ever. For a lot of people, Christmas is a “family time”, which only makes people want to hook up even more. Spending time around other people that have sex partners, just makes anyone who does not have someone to have...
Masturbation is healthy if you are a man
Here in the UK, we have been brought up on somewhat of a stiff upper lip culture. There is a general attitude against talking about our feelings and being in touch with our emotions. This is especially so if you are a man. The culture is one where, as a man, talking about your feelings is something that is simply not considered manly, it is impressed upon men that it is not attractive. In the more extreme cases, it is believed to be a sign of weakness, though thankfully these are rare. This general sense of personal oppression bleeds over to sex, the old phrase “no sex please, we are...
Watch out men! Sex robots will make you redundant first!
Technology is something which has been steadily advancing in the last few decades, and the changes have been astonishing. Two decades ago most correspondence was done by physical post, if you wanted to buy something you likely went to a physical shop and bought it from a human salesperson, and pagers still existed and if you had one you were considered either cool or a doctor. In today’s world most correspondence is done by email, purchasing things can be done online from the comfort of your phone or computer, and nearly everyone has a mobile phone. Some of the technology gain has been...
There are now more fuck buddies in 2018 than ever before
We are entering the last few months of 2018, and what a great end to the summer it has been! The warm weather has kept on for much longer than usually, giving the UK those extra days of sun and relaxation that are so good for the soul. Even coming into October 2018 we have had some really great days. As the years roll on, we have seen huge changes in our society here, in the way that we think and the way that we do things. There have been some really nice changes for the positive, and one of those is that today, in 2018, there are now more fuck buddies than ever! There are many reasons for...
What makes a woman sexy
When it comes to the sexual marketplace, our individual value is completely defined based on how sexy you are. All other elements are said to play a part, but the truth is they are meaningless. They are all seen through the lens of how sexy you are. If you are sexy, then they will be seen a positive. If you are not sexy then they will be seen as negative, it really is as simple as that.
So in our quest to secure the most desirable mate, the most successful and prosperous partner with whom to couple with and have children, our natural instincts try and push us to become sexier. The...