We all want to be having good sex. All of us. We also all want the person that we are sleeping with to also be having good sex. For most of us, part of having good sex is that the other person is there with us, on the same journey to having good sex at the same time. Part of our pleasure and excitement comes from their pleasure and excitement. The two feed each other leading to an ultimate climax (quite literally) and orgasm. So what is good sex?
Good sex is personally defined
Good sex is actually whatever you decide it is. In the words of Shakespear “thinking makes it so” and this applies to sex. What ever it is you think is good sex for you, is good sex. It is a little like asking what is the best cuisine. One person will love Indian food, another Italian. That the first person is 100% correct that for them Indian food is the best does not mean that the second person is not also 100% correct as well. So think about what it is that makes sex great for you. Once you have it, pursue that, because that is what is going to get you to the sex that you want to be having.
What happens prior to the sex is important
Everyone knows that penetrative sex is “sex”. Most people describe foreplay as being part of “having sex”. Very few people realise the power of what happens before the sex even starts. The mindset with which you enter having sex can completely change how much you enjoy it. If you have had a tough day, you are stressed out and are thinking about work right up until the moment you engage in sex, you are unlikely to have good sex. You need to get yourself in the right headspace… and what is even sexier is when the other person gets you in the right headspace. That can be excellent! If you can orchestrate a long build up over the day, that is extremely powerful. Perhaps a text in the morning, a little dirty phone call it the afternoon to tell them exactly what you are going to do to them that evening, then a delaying activity when you see each other to stretch out the suspense so that by the end your fuck buddy is practically dragging you back to the pad to get to it. This is going to set you up for success. It is going to lead to great sex.
So if you want to have great sex with your fuck buddy, bear this in mind!
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