When it come to having a fuck buddy, no strings attached relationship or other friends with benefits set up, most people prefer to have someone that is very separate from their day to day lives. This is one of the reasons that adult online dating can be such a good option when it comes to finding a fuck buddy, because for the most part, you are meeting people that are outside of your social circle. The big advantage to this is that if you decide you want to end the relationship, it is much easier and there is little to no backlash for doing so. You can, quite literally, never see the person again and this is both easy to do and understood to be part of the deal when you get together. However, in this article today, I would like to talk about why finding a fuck buddy at work can be a great option.
There are many reasons people prefer not to sleep with their co-workers. One of the big ones is the opposite of what I have stated above - namely that if it ends, it is very hard to never see them again. When a fuck buddy relationship comes to a close, often one person still wants to have sex with the other person, for a tome at least. This means that for that person, having to see the other person on a daily basis can be a difficult thing that causes them unhappiness. This will pass of course, but they have to put up with that period of angst, if only for a short while. Other reasons could be political. Office politics can be a very real thing, and nothing has more gossip factor to it than 2 people in the office who are sleeping with each other. Finally there is the issue of privacy. If you are someone who just prefers to keep their business to themselves, you cannot do this if you are sleeping with someone at work. Now I have said all of that, there is one reason that you should throw all of this to the wind and have an office romance anyway, and here it is.
Finding a fuck buddy at work is the best
There really is nothing that beats having an office fuck buddy. They are there, on call for you, all the time. You can have sex before work, you can have sex after work… and you can certainly have sex during work if you time it right and find a secluded part of the building in which to get down and dirty with your partner. You basically have sex on tap, and that is never a bad thing!
So if you have found someone at work that you like, ignore what society traditionally tells you and go for it I say. You will have the sexual time of your life.
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