keeping your girl
Staying sexy with your fuck buddy while social distancing
The coronavirus has arrived and everything else has promptly been shut down by it. People are no longer allowed to go to the pub, and even those that would have chosen to break the rule no longer have an open pub to go to. All the places that you might have met or taken a fuck buddy to before an evening of passion have been closed down: restaurants, cafes, cinemas, bars… you aren’t even allowed to take a walk in a park holding hands unless your hands are 2 metres long! This can mean there may be a period where you cannot have sex… particularly if you find yourself inside a 7 or 14 day...
Let your girl go to have her fly into your arms
There is an inbuilt tendency that many people have to get clingy with their sexual partners. It happens to people either because it is an inbuilt character trait, but it can also happen when you haven’t gotten laid in ages. If you have sex after a long period without having sex, you can quickly become extremely clinging of the other person. This can manifest in all sorts of ways, including a real neediness or a controlling nature. You really don’t want this to happen. If this gets stronger and grows, it guarantees either at best the end of the relationship, or worst a lasting but really...